AR vs Traditional Gaming: Pros and Cons

August 05, 2022


Gaming has evolved greatly over the years, with Augmented Reality (AR) being the latest technology to gain popularity. Traditional gaming has been around for a long time and has its own set of pros and cons. In this article, we'll compare AR and traditional gaming to help you decide which one is better suited for you. We'll discuss the pros and cons of each gaming method.

Advantages of AR Gaming

1. Immersion

AR gaming provides a more immersive experience when compared to traditional gaming. With AR, you're not just interacting with a screen, but also with the real world. This makes the gaming experience more exciting and engaging.

2. Physical Activity

AR gaming involves physical activity, requiring you to move around and interact with the environment. This added physical activity promotes an active lifestyle and can be a great way to get some exercise while having fun.

3. Social Interaction

AR games can be played with others in real-time, allowing for social interaction and communication. This can help build social skills and improve teamwork abilities.

Disadvantages of AR Gaming

1. Limited Compatible Devices

AR gaming requires compatible devices, which can limit the number of people who can play. While more smartphones are becoming AR compatible, not all of them are, leaving out some gamers.

2. Limited Game Library

Compared to traditional gaming, the number of AR games available is limited. While this is changing as AR technology becomes more popular, the selection is still small when compared to traditional gaming.

3. High Battery Consuming

AR gaming is more demanding on battery consumption than traditional gaming. The AR features require additional processing power, causing devices to drain their batteries faster.

Advantages of Traditional Gaming

1. Cost-Effective

Traditional gaming is more cost-effective compared to AR gaming. The cost of entry is lower, with consoles and games costing less than AR-enabled devices.

2. Wide Game Library

Traditional gaming has a vast game library, with games available for every genre and age group. The variety of games available is much more substantial than AR gaming.

3. Compatibility

Traditional gaming is compatible with a broad range of devices, including consoles, computers, and mobile devices.

Disadvantages of Traditional Gaming

1. Limited Immersion

Traditional gaming doesn't provide the same level of immersion as AR gaming. You're interacting with a screen, which can be more isolating than actively engaging with the environment.

2. Sedentary Lifestyle

Traditional gaming promotes a sedentary lifestyle, with gamers often sitting for long periods without much physical activity. This can lead to health problems in the long run.

3. Limited Social Interaction

Traditional gaming can be a solitary activity, with limited social interaction. While gaming with friends is possible, it's not as natural or exciting as with AR gaming.


Both AR and traditional gaming have their pros and cons. It ultimately comes down to which method suits individual preferences, budget, and lifestyle. If you're looking for an immersive, engaging experience that promotes physical activity and social interaction, AR gaming is for you. If you're looking for a cost-effective, wide-ranging game selection with compatibility across multiple devices, traditional gaming is the way to go.


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